Friday, July 16, 2010

Canada sucks for beer

Beware, those of you that are considering going to Canada one day: there are arcane nanny laws about alcohol, and it's a big problem.  You can't buy beer from grocery stores; you can't buy a six-pack at all after 10; and you can't buy beer on sale, ever.  Yes, that's right; it's illegal to sell beer cheap.  The cops will bust you for it.

(Things are somewhat less ridiculous in Quebec.  Not much less.  I pay $10 under the counter to an arabic man for a 6-pack of PBR at 12:30 one night.  I felt like I was buying heroin.)


  1. I really hope you're not under the misapprehension that somewhere, somehow, there's a country out there that does everything exactly the way you want it to.

  2. michigan everyone hops over the border to drink. also, why can't you alcoholics plan ahead a little bit and buy beer at 9:30?

  3. "why can't you alcoholics plan ahead a little bit and buy beer at 9:30?"

    This is totally unreasonable. But yeah, their age limit is 2 years less ridiculous than ours.
